Report from the Third Peer Learning Activity of the ‘ESMTT’ Project in Ljubljana

8-9 April | Ljubljana (Slovenia) On April 8th and 9th, a dynamic event took place in Ljubljana as part of EFEE’s ESMTT project (Effective School Management in the Twin Transition), as we gathered for our [...]

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Final Report – Education for Environmental Sustainability Project

                                                   The final EFEE-ETUCE Research Report for our joint project “European Social Partners in Education promoting Environmental Sustainability [...]

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Report from the Final Conference of the ‘Innovation4Education’ Project in Leuven

1 March 2023 | Leuven (Belgium)   Innovative ideas and methods hold paramount importance in the European education sector, especially considering the disruption of traditional educational models as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Within [...]

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Report from the First Peer Learning Activity of the ‘TeacherEd’ project in Porto

20-21 February 2024 | Porto (Portugal)    The European Federation of Education Employers and the PLA co-host, Portucalense University, were honored to inaugurate the first Peer Learning Activity within the “TeacherEd” project about “Socialisation and [...]

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Report from the Second Peer Learning Visit of the ‘LearningSchools’ Project in Budva, Montenegro

The 2nd Peer Learning Visit (PLV) of the EFEE-ETUCE project ‘Schools as learning institutions – European Social Partners in Education promoting effective quality and innovation management models in the education sector in a post Covid-19 [...]

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Report from the 2nd Peer Learning Activity of the ESMTT Project in Larnaca, Cyprus

The 2nd Peer Learning Activity of the ‘Effective School Management in the Twin Transition – Evolution of Teachers Working Time due to the Green and Digital Transitions” (AKA ESMTT) project took place in Larnaca, Cyprus [...]

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Report from the 4th Peer Learning Activity of the Innovation4Education Project in Ljubljana

The last Peer Learning Activity (PLA) of the “Innovation4Education” project took place in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 14-15 September. The two-day event was packed with (among other topics) high-level discussions about leadership skills, school management in [...]

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EFEE speaking at UNESCO Event ‘Empowering Youth for a Sustainable Future’

EFEE was honoured to take part in today’s event ‘Empowering Youth for a Sustainable Future: Building Skills for Tomorrow’, organised by UNESCO-UNEVOC and WorldSkills International. Our Policy Officer Samira Bührer highlighted the fundamental importance of improving [...]

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Final Conference of project ‘Green Skills in VET’

At the beginning of December, SGI-Europe and EFEE put an end to their two-year joint project “Green Skills in VET”. This project combined the expertise of education providers and public sector providers, specifically from the [...]

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Peer Learning Activity in Kinsale, Ireland

On May 4 and May 5, EFEE delegates travelled to Kinsale, Ireland, to participate in a workshop on the topic of environmental sustainability in education. During these two days, the Kinsale Community School hosted an [...]

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