The European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education (ESSDE) was launched in 2010, under the Articles 154-155 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. This came after four years of initiation and start-up processes carried out by the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) and from early 2009 onwards, together with the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE). The first meeting of the ESSDE was in June 2010.
As European social partners in Education, we deem it important to consider in our work the impact of economical, social and demographic developments on the education sector and to continue to focus our joint work on topics that have sufficient common ground for discussion and for initiatives with a clear added value for cooperation at European level. Herewith we take also in consideration the agenda of the European Commission in the field of education, employment and social affairs, in particular the work of DG Education and Culture and DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. We wish to contribute to the improvement of the quality of education in Europe thereby focusing on the modernisation of the education sector, its managements and its teaching personnel. In all our work we keep in mind the gender equality principle.
Each EU country is responsible for its own education and training systems. EU policy is designed to support national action and help address common challenges, such as ageing societies, skills deficits in the workforce, technological developments and global competition. Education and training 2020 (ET 2020) is the framework for cooperation in education and training.
ET 2020 is a forum for exchanges of best practices, mutual learning, gathering and dissemination of information and evidence of what works, as well as advice and support for policy reforms.
In order to ensure the successful implementation of ET 2020, Working Groups composed of experts nominated by member countries and other key stakeholders work on common EU-level tools and policy guidance. EFEE is represented in all seven Working Groups for 2019-2020 on Schools, Modernization of Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training, Adult Learning, Digital Skills, Competences, and Promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education, and Early Childhood Education and Care.
Read moreEFEE activities related to key themes
Economic Case for Education and Training
- EFEE Statement on Horizon Europe (2019)
- EFEE Statement on Priorities for the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 (2018)
- EFEE & High Level Task Force on investing in Social Infrastructure in Europe report “Boosting investments in social infrastructure in Europe” (2017)
- CEEP, ETUC, EFEE and ETUCE project “Improving Social Partners’ involvement in EU support for public investments in education and training” (2016-2017)
- EFEE & CEEP & ETUC & ETUCE report “EU level funds and financial instruments for education and training and the role of social partners” (November 2016)
- EFEE & CEEP, ETUCE and ETUC Joint Recommendations on Improving social partners’ involvement in the EU support for public investment in training and education at the European level (November 2016)
- EFEE Position Paper “The economic case for education and training in the Europe2020 context” (May 2015)
Vocational Education and Training
- MBO Raad, EFEE and ETUCE project on “Lifelong Learning for All: Social Partners in Education promoting quality and inclusive VET to enhance lifelong learning for all” (2019-2020)
- EFEE Peer Learning Visit to Sweden on “Promoting social inclusion by fostering integration of newly arrived migrants and (re)engaging NEETs in education, training and jobs” (June 2018)
- EFEE and ETUCE Joint Statement on Improving Vocational Education and Training in Europe (November 2017)
- EFEE and CEEP reply to European Commission consultation on “A new skills agenda for Europe” (February 2016)
- EFEE Peer Learning Activity to Ireland on “Promoting the development of quality vocational education and training” (October 2014)
Social inclusion, citizenship and integration of migrants
- Social Inclusion in Education (2019)
- EFEE & ETUCE Proposal for a Quality Framework for an Effective Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees in Education (2019)
- EFEE & ETUCE Joint Practical Guidelines on how to promote effective integration of migrant and refugee learners (2019)
- EFEE & ETUCE Project Report by Prof. Nihad Bunar “Promoting effective integration of migrants and refugees in education” also in FR (2019)
- EFEE & EU CONVINCE Project Partners Research Report on “Challenges and good practices related to promoting citizenship and values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education” with Executive Summary in EN, FR, DE, ES, IT, RU, PL (2019)
- EFEE & EU CONVINCE Project Partners Joint Statement on Citizenship Education & EU Common Values also in DE, FR, ES, RU (2018)
- EFEE Peer Learning Visit to Sweden on “Promoting social inclusion by fostering integration of newly arrived migrants and (re)engaging NEETs in education, training and jobs” (June 2018)
- EFEE Peer Learning Visit to Montenegro on “Promoting and improving inclusive education starting at early age” (May 2018)
- EFEE and ETUCE Project on “Promoting an effective integration of migrants and refugees in education: a key task for social partners” (2018-2019)
- EFEE, ETUCE, ESHA and OBESSU Project on “EU CONVINCE – EU COmmoN Values INClusive Education” (2018-2019)
- EFEE Peer Learning Activity in Hackney (London) “Promoting social inclusion and achieving high quality education” (September 2017)
- EFEE reply to Public Consultation on Promoting Social Inclusion (August 2017)
- EFEE Position Paper on Promoting civic education, intercultural dialogue and democratic citizenship, and facilitating migrants’ integration in the educational and socio-economic environment of the host society (October 2016)
- EFEE Peer Learning Activity in Malta “Promoting civic education, intercultural dialogue and democratic citizenship, as well as other relevant competences to facilitate migrants’ integration in the educational and socio-economic environment of the host countries” (May 2016)
- Press release EFEE and Ministry for Education and Employment of Malta on promoting intercultural dialogue and migrant education (May 2016)
Open and innovative education
- EFEE & ETUCE Project “e-Speed – European Social Partners in Education Embracing Digitalisation” (2020-2021)
- EFEE Statement on Digital Education Action Plan Update (2020)
- Press release EFEE and GO! Education of the Flemish Community on promoting innovative and excellent education (October 2015)
- EFEE Peer Learning Activity to Belgium on “Promoting excellence and innovation in education and supporting a new generation of educators” (October 2015)
- EFEE statement on Opening Up Education (December 2013)
Transition from education to employment
- MBO Raad, EFEE and ETUCE project on “Lifelong Learning for All: Social Partners in Education promoting quality and inclusive VET to enhance lifelong learning for all” (2019-2020)
- EFEE Peer Learning Visit to Sweden on “Promoting social inclusion by fostering integration of newly arrived migrants and (re)engaging NEETs in education, training and jobs” (June 2018)
- EFEE & ETUCE Joint Statement on Improving Vocational Education and Training in Europe (2017)
- EFEE Peer Learning Activity to the UK on “Improving transition from education to employment” (September 2015)
- Press release EFEE and LGA UK on improving transition from education to employment (September 2015)
- EFEE and CEEP report on “Matching education with the needs of public services” (April 2014)
Attractive career paths in higher education and research
- MBO Raad, EFEE and ETUCE project on “Lifelong Learning for All: Social P
- EFEE Report on Peer Learning Visit to Finland “Promoting teaching in higher education – how to contribute to diversification of academic career pathways by promoting prestige and excellence in academic teaching?” (2019)
- Press release EFEE and ETUCE on European higher education employers and trade unions publish joint report on supporting early career researchers in Europe 10 years after European Charter for Researchers (April 2015)
- Final Report EFEE, UCEA and ETUCE “Supporting early career researchers in higher education in Europe: The role of employers and trade unions” (February 2015)
- EFEE and ETUCE Joint Declaration on Supporting early career researchers in Higher Education in Europe (January 2015)
Healthy and safe schools
- FEE & ETUCE Project OSH4Edu – European Sectoral Social Partners in Education Enhancing Risk Assessment in Education Institutions (2020)
- OiRA tools developed by EFEE, ETUCE and EU-OSHA for early childhood and care education sector and for the secondary education sector (2019)
- EFEE, ETUCE and EU-OSHA Project to develop Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tool for the education sector (2018-2019)
- EFEE & ETUCE Joint Practical Guidelines on How to Promote Joint Social Partner Initiatives at European, National, Regional and Local Level to Prevent and Combat Psychosocial Hazards in Education (September 2016)
- Project film EFEE and ETUCE on “Social Partners promoting decent workplaces in the education sector for a healthier working life” (June 2016)
- Report EFEE and ETUCE on “Social Partners promoting decent workplaces in the education sector for a healthier working life” (April 2016)
- EFEE and ETUCE Implementation Guide for the Education Sector of the Multi-Sectoral Guidelines to Tackle Third-Party Violence and Harassment Related to Work (November 2012)
School leadership and self-evaluation
- EFEE & EEPN Project Partners Policy Recommendations on Careers and Professional Development of Teachers and School leaders (2019)
- EFEE Report on Peer Learning Visit to Croatia “Supporting teachers, staff and leaders of education and training institutions: key for making change happen” (2019)
- EFEE & EEPN Project Partners Desk Research Reports on making the careers of teachers and school leaders more attractive: 1) Good practices from practitioners and parents; 2) Good practices on policy advice and implementation; 3) Teacher recruitment, retention and motivation in Europe; 4) Ten most relevant European Commission funded projects for teachers’ and school leaders’ more attractive career paths (2019)
- EFEE Peer Learning Activity to Ljubljana (Slovenia) on “Improving school leadership development practices” (October 2017)
- Report EFEE, VO-raad and ETUCE on “Professional autonomy, accountability and efficient leadership” (February 2015)
- Joint Declaration EFEE and ETUCE on School Leadership (January 2015)
- Report EFEE and ETUCE on “Self-evaluation of schools and teachers” (December 2013)
- Joint Declaration EFEE and ETUCE on the Promotion of Self-evaluation of Schools and Teachers (November 2013)
- Report EFEE on School Leadership and Governance (April 2012)
- EFEE membership of the European Education Policy Network (EEPN) on Teachers and School Leaders: www.educationpolicynetwork.eu
- EFEE membership of the European Policy Network on School Leadership: www.schoolleadership.eu