On 25 February, EFEE joined the closing conference of the project “Our Digital Future-C’est ici”, which was launched by ThinkYoung Brussels and the Goethe Institute in Montreal in 2020. The project brought together young people between 18 and 30 years old as well as high-level policy-makers from Europe and Canada, such as Marta Markowska (Policy Officer, DG EAC) and Philippe-André Rodriguez (Deputy Director, Government of Canada). Focal point of discussion was how digital inclusion and equity can be ensured with regards to the forthgoing of digital transformation. All participants agreed that, against the background of this question, educational systems play a key role. Providing students with the essential skills and competences needed for an active and responsible participation as citizens in the digital future. Education enables young people “not only to be architects of their own lives but also of society”. In the light of this, participants strongly argued for a reform of curriculums as well as a facilitated access to public services providing digital literacy in order to leave no one behind. Further, the need to reflect on the relationship with Big-Tech companies providing digital tools in the form of apps, amongst others, was addressed. In this regard, a stronger collaboration between governments, schools, Tech-companies was regarded as essential.
For more details, please contact samira.buhrer@educationemployers.eu