On 8 September, General Secretary, Daniel Wisniewski, and Assistant General Secretary, Sarah Kik took part in the roundtable meeting of EFEE and ETUCE on promoting social dialogue in Budapest. This event brought together representatives from the Association of School Headmasters (KIMSZ), member of EFEE, and ETUCE members from Hungary to jointly discuss how to improve social dialogue in education. On behalf of KIMSZ, Ms Gyöngyi Kiss and Ms Gabriella Kékesiné made an opening speech at the roundtable meeting and presented the current state of play of social dialogue in education in Hungary. Furthermore the participants were updated by EFEE and ETUCE on the functioning and development of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education. In order to stimulate peer learning, EFEE’s member from Finland Mr Petteri Kauppinen of the Association of Finnish Independent Education Employers and his colleague from the Trade Union for Education in Finland shared their national experiences on the challenges and opportunities of social dialogue in education in Finland.