The European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) is delighted to invite you to the final conference of the project “Strengthening the capacity of education employers within the European Semester process” in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 18 November 2021 from 9h00 to 15h00 CET. The conference will take place in a hybrid format, providing participants with the possibility to attend the event in-person or online.

The conference represents the closure of an inspiring journey undertaken since the beginning of this year, exploring the opportunities for education employers on how to strengthen their voices in the European Semester process. In this regard, two virtual peer learning and training seminars, hosted in the Netherlands and Greece, were successfully launched in May and June this year.

The main findings of these seminars on how to strengthen the involvement of education employers in the European Semester will be shared during the conference. Further, the conference envisions to further foster the exchange of knowledge, good practices and challenges between education employers with regards to stepping up their involvement in the Semester against the backdrop of presentations delivered by high-level guest speakers, such as from the European Commission, as well as group discussions.

The conference is open to EFEE but also non-EFEE members from all education levels. Interpretation will be provided one way from English to French German, and Spanish. In total, up to max. 60 seats are available. The seats will be distributed according to the first-come-first-served principle.

To register for the conference or receive more information on it, please contact  by 14 October the latest (deadline for registration).